Sabtu, 28 Mac 2009


7: Zirr bin Hubaisy berkata, "Saya datang kepada Shafwan bin 'Assal r.a untuk bertanya tentang hal mengusap khuf (sepatu boot),
maka ia bertanya, "Mengapakah engkau datang hai Zirr?"
Jawabku, "Untuk menuntut ilmu."
Berkata Shafwan, "Sesungguhnya Malaikat menghamparkan sayapnya kepada orang yang datang menuntut ilmu, karena menyukai dengan apa yang dipelajari."
Maka saya bertanya, "Sebenarnya saya merasa ragu dalam hatiku tentang haji, mengusap khuf (sepatu boot) sesudah buang air, sedang kau seorang sahabat Nabi .s.a.w. Apakah kau pernah mendengar Rasulullah menyebut tentang itu?"
Jawabnya, "Benar, baginda menyuruh kami jika kami sedang dalam perjalanan atau bermusafir supaya tidak membuka khuf kami sampai tiga hari tiga malam, terkecuali jika berjanabah harus dibuka. Izin tidak membuka khuf itu hanya kerana hadas kecil; buang air kecil, buang air besar atau tidur."
Kemudian saya bertanya, "Apakah pernah kau mendengar Rasulullah menyebut tentang hal cinta?"
Jawabnya, "Ya, ketika kami dalam suatu perjalanan bersama Rasulullah s.a.w. tiba-tiba seorang Badwi memanggil Rasulullah s.a.w. dengan suara yang keras. "Ya Muhammad."
Dijawab oleh Nabi hampir menyamai suaranya, (nada suara orang yang kehairanan / tercengang / gila)
Maka saya peringatkan Badwi itu. "Rendahkan sedikit suaramu di depan Rasulullah s.a.w. kerana kelakuan sebegitu dilarang."
Jawab Badwi, "Demi Allah, saya tidak akan merendahkan suara saya!"
Kemudian dia bertanya, "Bagaimana seorang yang kasih kepada sesuatu kaum, tetapi tidak dapat berkumpul dengan mereka?"
Jawab Nabi s.a.w. "Seseorang itu akan berkumpul dengan sesiapa yang dikasihinya pada hari kiamat."
Safwan meneruskan ceritanya, "Kemudian Rasulullah s.a.w. selalu bercerita kepada kami, sehingga baginda menyebut tentang sebuah pintu gerbang di sebelah barat, yang lebarnya sepanjang perjalanan 40 atau 70 tahun."
Sufyan iaitu salah seorang perawi menyatakan, "(Pintu gerbang itu) terletak di bahagian Syam, telah dijadikan oleh Allah sejak dijadikanNya langit dan bumi, ia terbuka untuk menerima taubat dan tidak akan tertutup sehinggalah matahari terbit daripadanya."
(Attirmizi, Hadith Hasan Sahih)
7. Zirr bin Hubaish reported: I went to Safwan bin 'Assal (May Allah be pleased with him) to inquire about wiping with wet hands over light boots while performing Wudu'. He asked me, "What brings you here, Zirr?" I answered: "Search for knowledge". He said, "Angels spread their wings for the seeker of knowledge out of joy for what he seeks". I told him, "I have some doubts in my mind regarding wiping of wet hands over light boots in the course of performing Wudu' after defecation or urinating. Now since you are one of the Companions of the Prophet (PBUH), I have come to ask you whether you heard any saying of the Prophet (PBUH) concerning it?". He replied in the affirmative and said, "He (PBUH) instructed us that during a journey we need not take off our light boots for washing the feet up to three days and nights, except in case of major impurity (after sexual intercourse). In other cases such as sleeping, relieving oneself or urinating, the wiping of wet hands over light boots will suffice." I, then, questioned him, "Did you hear him say anything about love and affection?" He replied, "We accompanied the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) in a journey when a bedouin called out in a loud voice, 'O Muhammad.' The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) replied him in the same tone, 'Here I am.' I said to him (the bedouin), 'Woe to you, lower your voice in his presence, because you are not allowed to do so.' He said, 'By Allah! I will not lower my voice,' and then addressing the Prophet (PBUH) he said, 'What about a person who loves people but has not found himself in their company.' Messenger of Allah (PBUH) replied, 'On the Day of Resurrection, a person will be in the company of those whom he loves.' The Messenger of Allah then kept on talking to us and in the course of his talk, he mentioned a gateway in the heaven, the width of which could be crossed by a rider in forty or seventy years".Sufyan, one of the narrators of this tradition, said: "This gateway is in the direction of Syria. Allah created it on the day He created the heavens and the earth. It is open for repentance and will not be shut until the sun rises from that direction (i.e., the West) (on Doomsday)".[At-Tirmidhi, who categorised it as Hadith Hasan Sahih]Commentary:1. We learn from this Hadith that in ablution, it is permissible to wipe over light boots rather than washing the feet. It is called Mash. The period, in which Mash is intact, in case of travellers it is three days and three nights; while for the residents, it is one day and one night only. A precondition for it is that light boots should be clean and worn after full Wudu'. Ankles should also be covered. In case of breach of ablution, the wiping over the socks is sufficient, and there is no need for washing the feet. Wudu' is invalidated by sleeping, call of nature and passing of wind. This is called Hadath Asghar. In the case of Hadath Akbar, which occurs because of coitus, menses and wet dream, washing of the whole body becomes obligatory. It means that the privilege of wiping over the light boots is also finished in this case, in the same way as it does after the expiry of period specified for it.2. One should associate himself with the pious people so that he is counted among them. One also comes to know many other points from this Hadith which every intelligent person can understand with a little effort.
Imam Abu Zakariya Yahya bin Syaraf Annawawy (Terjemahan Salim Bahreisy). 1977. RIADHUS SHALIHIN. Bandung: PT ALMA'ARIF m.s 27-29
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Wahai diri, janganlah menjadi orang yang ilmunya sebesar gunung tetapi amalnya sebesarnya debu.....insaflah................

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